Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Laos Cities

laos cities="laos cities"
what is the difference geographically between these cities and countries in Asia?

mongolia, cambodia, laos, and thailand
a different group:
brunei, malaysia, indonesia, singapore
and why plz

The only thing I can think of that sets those groups of four countries apart is religion. The bottom four have significant Muslim populations (around 15% and above). But it is strange to lump Singapore in with those other 3 because it is only 14.9% Muslim while the other 3 are over 60% Muslim.
Among the top group Thailand has the most Muslims with 5.8%.

Was there a text assignment that could help you with this question? If so, time to read it!

"Laos" Jimandmargarida's photos around Luang Prabang, Lao Peoples Dem Rep

laos cities

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