Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Hmong Lao

hmong lao="hmong lao"
General Vang Pao may have broke the treaty of neutrality, but?

Have the US consider that it has two friend that they friendship with. One the Laos goverment by treaty. Second, the hmong people who put their lives at risk to help the allis the US. The ones that are dying exactly for that reason because they help the us during their time of need, Vietnam war secret war! So yes he would have broke a friendship with have with the Laos. But how about if your country friend was killing another of your friend. The hmongs in the jungle of Laos. You get mad because you and the Lao may not be friends anymore, what about about the friend that helped you more. The one who would die to be your friend. Isn't that what a friend is. Someone who is willing to die for you?

Good points but there are ways to get things done by acting within the law.

hmong lao new year 2010 in 52

hmong lao

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