How can I get from either Siam Reap or Sihanoukville Cambodia to Vang Vieng Laos?
I can't seem to find any bus or train info online or in LP...please help, trying to nail down the last leg of the trip. I really do not want to fly and time is not really a factor. Thanks
You are stuck with one of the biggest dilemmas of the Asian circuit. Getting from Cambodia to Lao is either time consuming or expensive. If you don't have the time your only choice is the plane. and its going to cost you about $200 what with ticket and the $45 dollar visa.
Other wise you are looking at 24 to 48 hours on the bus from Cambodia to lao.
There is no train from Cambodia and it will take you a day to get into Thailand and another to take the train to Lao. So two days again
So those are your choices. 2 days of uncomfortable travel or spend the money and be there in and hour and 1/2.
Its a drag but that's how it is!
Crazy Tubing in Vang Vieng!
vang vieng
vang vieng
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