Sunday, 17 October 2010

Laos Travel Guide

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Choosing The Right Travel Guide Book Could Be A God Send

When you start looking;for a travel guidebook, it can be a littlebewildering. Therereally are as many types;of guidebooks;as thereare types;of travelers.Where do you start to findthe right one for you?

Traditional guidebooks;make up the largest chunkof yourselection... and thereare plenty of these. Theyusuallycontain lots of good information,someblack and white maps, key areasto see, and diagramsof significant buildings. You'llusuallyfinda few colorpicturesand maps too.

Think about whereyou'regoing....

Are you doing the GrandTour of several European counties?Thereare travel guidebooks;thatcoverwholecountries, and somethatcoverwholecontinents.

Are you going justto Londonand Paris?Thereare somebooks;thatcoverjustspecific citiesor areas.

Somewill combine two or threeneighboringcountries likeSoutheast Asiawith Thailand,Laos, Cambodiaand Vietnamall in one book.

Choose the guidebookthatwill suit yourtrip.No need to carry that"continent-of-Europe" tome around if all you'reseeing is a couple of cities. Two slim city guides;will do and be so mucheasierto pack and carry.

Someguidebooks;are far more visual than others. Theytend to havelots of picturesand less information. The information is good, justnot as in depth as other guides;. If you'retakinga quick trip somewhere, those picturescan tellyou in an instantif something;looks;likewhatyou wantto see.... they're really enticing. And if it's a quick trip,you probablydon'thavetime for longdetailed explanations anyway.

Thereare lots of specialtyguidebooks;. These won'tgiveyou as muchgeneralinformation,but if you havea specialinterest, it mightbe worthcarryingone along.You can findspecialtybooks;for birdwatchers, or wine tasters. Thereare books;thatspecialize;in fancy restaurants.

Thereare wholebooks;on castlesto stay in or luxuryspas.Guidesto gardensor campingspots or great hikingtrails.If you havea specialinterest, lookonlineand visit travel bookstores;... you'll probablyfinda specialtyguidein justthe field you'reinterestedin.

Digital guidebooks;are coming... well, someare already;here.The publishers are stilltrying to figureout the bestway to handle this. Someguides;can be downloaded;and readon yourmobile phone... but those littlescreensmake for eye strainwhen you'retrying to reada map or the fine printin those descriptions.

You can down loadsomeonto yourlaptop,but carryingyourlaptop all day will be a drag. You can downloadthem and printthem out, but then you mightas welltakea publishedguidebook.

Keepyoureyes openfor digitalguides;in the futurethough. Once someof thesepaperbacksizedreading;devices become easierto carry around, you'll be able to downloadjustthe areasyou want, the specialtiesyou want, and linkto GPS technology.

Neverget lost? I don'tknow. Sometimespart of the fun of travel is gettinglost and having great experiences you didn'texpect.

Sofor now, choose the typeof printed;travel guidebookthatwill work bestfor you, and enjoy yourtrip.
About the Author

Discover this Travel Guide Book Full of Budget Travel Discount Strategies and important last minute Budget Travel Offers as well as a FREE BUDGET TRAVEL GUIDE BOOK report

Luang Prabang,Laos iPhone App from Travelfish

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