Monday 4 October 2010

Laos Hmong

laos hmong_5="laos hmong"
What are your thoughts on the current Hmong situation?

I am Mien/Mienh/Yao/iu-Mien, My boyfriend & some of my closest friends are Hmong. What do you think of the current issue about the Hmong people and Gen. Vang Pao? I don't think his actions are justified but i do believe in what he is trying to do. The Mien people fought in the same war but the Laos gov hate the Hmong more. Please NO HATE replies here!

I'm Hmong. I do not support General Vang Pao for what he was trying to do, but I support his wanting to free his people from refugee camps. I support him wanting the killing of the Hmong people to stop.

Sure, this is America, and we should enjoy the 'melting pot', but it was American CIA that promised safety to the Hmong people for their help in the Vietnam War, which they were not able to deliver. The Hmong were mislead by the American gov't to join forces with the Americans. How could America believe so much in bringing all their American soldiers home, when they left their brothers/allies who fought with them side by side in the Vietnam War to die in refugee camps scattered across Laos. For those who do not know, we lost more Hmong people in the Vietnam War than Americans did.

Sure, I live in America now. Born and raised. My father fought in the war, he was brought here to America in 1979 along with my mother and my oldest sister. I have my American ways and my Hmong traditional ways. I realize that not all Hmong people can be brought into America from the refugee camps, but for the many Hmong people still hiding in the mountains, afraid of being murdered, raped, and decapitated for helping out the Americans, I think the Americans can do SOMETHING in helping them.

When you're in history class, your teacher talks about the Vietnam War, but not ONCE are the Hmong ever mentioned for helping the Americans. I still get the, "What's a Hmong?" question from people. For America being educated, they sure don't know a lot about Hmong people. I love being an American, and although I am disappointed in America in the way that they can not/will not do anything, but I will never forget that I am Hmong as well. I pray that the Hmong survive in those refugee camps, and I cry for all my brothers and sisters who grieve and yearn for help.

Hmong laos new 2011

laos hmong

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